- /pub/outgoing/methomyl/DEEM_files/xl/
[To Parent Directory]
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 120165 apple AP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 45814 apple juice AJ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 64126 apple sauce AC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 82902 asparagus AS.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 17620 asparagus canned AA.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 74592 barley BY.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 74633 barley2.5pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 74640 barley5pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 119777 beans black canned AB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 265926 beans canned AB ZB KB NB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 13952 beans garbanzo canned ZB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 27742 beans green bf IG.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 54386 beans green canned GC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 22788 beans green fzn GZ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 89453 beans green GB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 29269 beans kidney canned KB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 18093 beans pinto canned NB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 31775 beef adipose BA.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 24853 beef liver BL.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 32052 beef muscle BM.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 108085 beet sugar from carrot CR.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 27744 beets canned BT.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 79530 blueberry BB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 13096 blueberry fzn BZ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 162424 broccabb100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 81512 broccoli BR.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 898015 cabbage CG.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 841870 cabbage100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 93014 cantaloupe CN.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 93962 cantaloupe100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 107798 carrot CR.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 107784 carrot100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 107788 carrot2.5pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 107790 carrot40pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 84080 cauliflower CF.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 117838 celery CE.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 117756 celery100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 44749 collard greens GL.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 87916 collkale100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 78612 corn grain CO.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 21066 corn sweet CS.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 72708 corn sweet on cob CB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 109894 cucumber CU.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 109823 cucumber100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 81574 eggplant EP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 81503 eggplant100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 46450 fish catfish FC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 112849 grape GR.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 27179 grape juice GJ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 80163 grapefruit GF.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 46801 green onion GO.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 89437 grnbeans100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 22770 grnbeansfzn100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 46769 grnonion100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 51712 honey HY.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 49848 kale GK.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 102451 lettuce LT.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 87228 nectarine NE.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 101548 oj100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 11489 onion ON.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 11577 onion65pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 100620 orange juice OJ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 114506 orange OG.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 114491 orange100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 27958 pea snap SN.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 78879 peach canned CC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 73232 peach PC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 21695 peach single serv CX.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 86733 peanut butter PB.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 18027 pear canned CP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 10791 pear juice conc PJ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 107202 pear PE.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 110293 peas sweet canned PS.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 22536 pepper hot HP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 111382 pepper sweet bell PP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 82598 potato fzn PZ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 98757 potato PO.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 25356 poultry liver PL.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 46410 raisin RA.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 90118 soybean grain SY.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 38232 spinach canned SC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 14014 spinach fzn SF.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 106538 spinach SP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 106777 spinach1pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 38189 spincanned1pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 203592 spinlett100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 81938 squash summer SS.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 78092 squash winter WS.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 9959 strawberry fzn SZ.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 82992 strawberry ST.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 18991 summary of translations.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 24543 sweet potato bf IS.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 90649 sweet potato SW.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 25900 tangerine TA.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 18112 tomato canned TC.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 63045 tomato paste TP.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 116275 tomato TO CT.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 117113 tomato100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 52760 water fin WR.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 53470 water unf WU.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 45778 watermelon WM.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 80029 wintersq100pct.xlsx
6/17/2022 4:01 PM 80015 wintersq10pct.xlsx